For goodness steak
Taking too long to make a print and missing the moment but posting about it anyway
Between naps, tantrums, bloody lips, dishes, laundry, dirty diapers, bedtime stories, breakdowns, timeouts, putting on winter gear, snow blowing, taking off winter gear, packing the car, driving, unpacking the car, more dishes, more laundry (and a myriad of other things), this print took three weeks to make.
My plan was to have it ready for Christmas. It’s still Christmastime, right? Or maybe people have new year’s ornaments?
Oh well. I’m realizing there’s joy in not rushing things.
Carly made this beautiful tree.
🎵 “You better be good for goodness steak!” 🎵
See you next year! HAHA
👋 M, C, K & O
It’s still Christmas for us! We spread things out and won’t be done with extended family until Jan 1. I love this animation. Glad you shared it “late.” 🥰🎄💫