Hello 👋

My name is Mitchell and I’m a designer, teacher, and dad based in Madison, WI.

This is my weekly visual journal where I document and share prints, designs, zines, stamps, comics, drawings, animations, and other creative experiments.

I wanted to create a space online where I could post and interact with other people without algorithms, ads, or pressure. If you’re interested, click this link to read why I started a newsletter. I don’t really post on social media so this is where you can see what I’m up to.

These posts will give you an idea of what I send out every week:

I teach graphic design at The University of Wisconsin-Madison and Madison College.

Here are some other places you can find me online:

Feel free to send me an email whenever → mitchell.j.volk (at) gmail.com

Subscribe to Mitchell's Newsletter

Weekly creative experiments and inspiration from a designer, teacher, and dad. Prints, animations, zines, and comics.


Designer, teacher, and dad based in Madison, WI.