May 26Liked by Mitchell Volk

1. Love Ukeles. I find what works as an artist parent changes (almost) constantly. What’s working this week is parallel play. My kid “writing” with me at the kitchen table. In earlier stages this has looked like intuitive mediums (like weavings) and embracing time fragmentation. I made a weaving where I tied a knot each time I was interrupted and that became part of the work. I’d recommend looking into Lenka Clayton’s Artist Residency in Mothethood if you haven’t already. It completely transformed my relationship to art making.

2. I don’t mind what time you publish, but pre caffeine my brain wants to use the word interruption 5 times in a row and it’s like pulling hens teeth to write a legible comment. 😂

3. We love Kiki! Have you watched Totoro with your kid yet? It was the first film my (now 5 year old) kid would sit through. I recently saw the stage production in London and it was magical. I want to try my hand at making a soot sprite puppet. I just need to track down the feathers. 🖤

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It does seem like something that will change and shift as they grow up. Thanks for the Lenka Clayton reference! I'll be spending time with that work this week. Totoro was the first one we watched together last year. We've also watched Ponyo but we watch movies in like 15 minute increments because that's about all he can get through. Soot sprite puppets would be amazing!

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Loved getting to read through this as usual! Thank you for these wonderful thoughts and links.

1. I too struggle with lawns and prairies. Love clean lawn lines but also love a patch of wildflowers.

2. Thank you for sharing Mierle Laderman Ukeles- her line, "Maintenance takes all the fucking time." made me sadly nod my head in agreement.

3. Loved your "Who gets to decide what is good?" comic and the Robin page!

4. Definitely always thinking the same thing about formats. I was fortunate for a brief moment to have a comic strip in a newspaper, every other week I got to produce a full page strip which allowed me to try all kinds of ideas but once it was put online that format just didn't work and I lost the gusto once I was contained to that tiny box. It's taken some time but I'm starting to adapt and the substack format has definitely helped.

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Thanks for the feedback, Matt!

I like the restrictions of certain formats and how they force you to solve problems in different ways. I'm sure the switch from print to digital was weird... Emails and zines are my favorite formats right now.

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May 26Liked by Mitchell Volk

Thanks for sending early in the morning! It was right on time for me to read on a Sunday morning with my other favorite newsletters.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I think I actually prefer it. Now I can enjoy the rest of my day.

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