I'm on the same (academic) schedule and have a similar list of ambitions: drawing, creating Substack posts, getting outside, and reading all things comics.

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May 24Liked by Mitchell Volk

Im also looking forward to being outside 🌳! It’s quite hard not to want to be outside when we spend 6h months without much sun here in Lithuania 😂

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6 months?!? That's half the year!! I hope you can soak up some sun soon.

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May 22Liked by Mitchell Volk

I really enjoy the newsletter! My only feedback is I wish it came earlier in the morning on Sundays so I could read it with breakfast. It comes out so late on Sunday, I usually save it for later in the week when I have more quiet time to read it.

I know, great of me to gripe about a free newsletter you work hard on...

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That's really great feedback because I just randomly decided to send it out in the afternoon (or whenever I finished it) on Sunday. I'll try and send one out early in the morning to see if anyone else likes/dislikes it.

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I loved getting to read through these lists, and thank you for sharing them as well. There are a few that I'm also trying to get more of this summer, but there are a few that I'm now considering. I admit I've never thought about the library having graphic novels! It makes total sense and is an excellent thought. Also, I loved reading your thoughts on writing and drawing. I like keeping my sketchbook for the same reason: moving slowly and not going back. I write "Draw Slow" at the top of every sketchbook page. I've been reminding myself that if I don't like a drawing, I can always draw it again. Thank you for sharing and cheers to the summer goals!

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The comic books/graphic novels at my library were next to the kids section so it was a little hard to find, but YES they totally have graphic novels.

I really like the "draw slow" note and knowing you can draw something again. Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to do it perfectly the first time?

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It's very true. I think there's a lot of value in re-drawing instead of endlessly editing. The temptation for that digital fix is very strong.

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May 21Liked by Mitchell Volk

I’d like to see more posts about design, inspiration and creative experiences. Thanks for asking!

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Can do! Thanks for the feedback.

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I'm looking forward to so much time outside (not quite summer yet, but I'm already taking my work to the porch), lots of reading, some beach time, gardening and canning — hoping for a better season than last! Also, I love binge requesting books from the library :)

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I love a good porch. Your summer plans sound great. I'm just going to keep requesting books until they tell me to stop.

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May 20Liked by Mitchell Volk

31 comic books from the library—I am in awe! What a pleasant summer break ahead :)

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I'm so excited!

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I'm with you 110% on the balance bike recommendation. Similar story for my son: expertise on the balance bike directly transferred to success on the pedal bike. This is the way.

Thanks for sharing your creative process. You quickly became part of my regular rotation each week!

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I'm sure there are people who didn't transition well, but I've only heard positive stories of starting on a balance bike. I'm glad it worked for your son! Knox's legs aren't quite strong enough to go up hills yet, but on level ground he just goes and goes

Thanks for reading and the feedback, Josh!

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Thanks for the preview of summer. Sounds like my summer, but travel is interlaced.

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Have fun on your travels!

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May 19Liked by Mitchell Volk

The Lynda Berry interview is how I first discovered this newsletter 😊

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I'm so glad you found it! I would like to do more artist interviews like that.

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May 19Liked by Mitchell Volk

I’m also glad you’re using your CMYK drawing pens so much!

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They have seriously changed how I make and think. Thank you for introducing me!

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May 19Liked by Mitchell Volk

I LOVE ELeanor Davis — I don’t think I’ve read that book since I started riding bikes again. So good.

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It didn't even know bikepacking was a thing and now I'm trying to plan a trip thanks to this book. I'm sure you've read it, but her "Why Art?" is also very good.

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