Loved getting to visualize you shouting, "It's all cyclical!" in the moment of joy. It's also great to be reminded of the joy of doing things for the sake of doing them. I'm glad a fellow human helped get you back on track and thank you so much for the very kind share!

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It was a joyful moment. People are so nice and I’m glad I was reminded of that.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Mitchell Volk

The animation with the word loop is stunning! Love it!

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Thanks, Duane! I also like that one.

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Love these animations! I'm excited to try some myself. How did you like Maguire's HERE? I think it's a revelation! Also, I'm struck that you documented the creators and time involved in this post! Mine always take HOURS as well.

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Thanks, Kelcey! I was blown away by HERE. Loved it and couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it before.

I honestly don’t 100% know why I’m documenting that stuff but I think it’s important. I want my creative practice to be something my whole family does, not just me by myself. I also think a lot of labor goes unseen (especially in the arts) so documenting maybe helps with transparency.

Every time I get one of your posts I think, “This must have taken a long time.” And you do such a good job of telling a story. AND it’s illustrated!

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I love a good loop! And thanks for the tag 🏷️

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Jun 23Liked by Mitchell Volk

I enjoyed your kid’s maps of the route!

And the spinning wheels of death.

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Thanks, Alicia!

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Jun 23Liked by Mitchell Volk

Enjoyed this week’s animations!

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Very nice post. If you and your wheels ever roll up my way, I will buy you coffee, a nice snack, an inner tube & a patch kit.

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Thanks, Kent! I’ll keep you in mind if we’re up north.

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Wow, the intro passage you wrote is brilliant. I read your newsletter weekly looking for the art and this is taking it to a new level. Copying it here as I love it so much . "Pedals turning over and over. Breathing in and breathing out. Crawling up hills and flying back down them. The circle of life. Decked out professional cyclists passing parents hauling small children passing leisurely elderly couples. Drawing circles. Wheels spinning around and around. The seasons. Tires deflating and inflating. Cycles and cycling. Blood flowing away from the heart and back to it. Finishing at the starting line."

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Ah thanks Cristina!

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