I’m still collecting and planting seeds, but now it’s animated!
I send out this newsletter every week, but that doesn’t mean creative processes fit within a weekly schedule. Ideas follow deadlines as much as a deer follows the stock market.
Kate Bingaman-Burt said, “I love a deadline. It’s the only way I can get things finished. It’s the reason I give myself two hours to write the newsletter. If I didn’t have a framework for making, nothing would get made.” → LINK
Chuck Close said, “Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work.”
It’s true. The work comes from doing the work.
Eric Carle explaining his creative process to Mister Rogers (thanks Sarah) → LINK
“I animated 30 frames a day for 1 year. Set at 30 frames a second, each second represents 1 day.” 10,946 by Daren Jannace is 10,946 drawings on 10,946 sticky notes → LINK
I still can’t get over these sharpie animations by Daniel Savage → LINK
A wonderful “midwest emo fall” Spotify playlist (thanks Mitch) → LINK
Do you want a buy a Prixel but think it’s $40 too expensive? This is the sale for you! (plus expansion packs) → LINK
The incredible riso animation of Julia Schimautz (thanks Austin) → LINK
Weast Coast is back at it again with Desperate Oasis → LINK
I’m looking for a cheap and convenient way to make a bunch of websites. I would like to create a little ecosystem of different projects with different URLs. For example: project1.com, project2.com, etc.
Do you know how to do this?
Here are some process photos from this week:
*Carly pulls out our Christmas stockings* “Oh wow! Those are big socks.”
👋 M, C, K & O
A cheap way might just to make a subdomain off your current site, like project1.volk.design etc. but just depends on what the end goal is.
I love your newsletter Mitchell. Joyful, creative and interesting links to dip into - thank you for all of it!