I was actually thinking about making a Figma library for the prixel shapes too! This looks amazing & super helpful, is it publicly available on Figma or? 😀
I changed all the component colors to black (easier to design IMO), added some of the expansion packs I purchased, and updated the plate to be a literal representation of the physical plate. Here's the link to my file (I feel a little weird about putting a modified version of someone else's work up publicly) > https://www.figma.com/design/FeVmbsdkVo1ZGj2JXzp5mi/PRIXEL?node-id=0-1&t=XcfkhjEvyGYBnc2o-1
Awesome, thank you so much! And fwiw, I'd say go for it. I see and use a lot of remixed Figma files up there that just give attribution to the original file that was edited or updated. Plus, looks like it's been a year since this one was updated. Thanks again!! 🙌
What an exciting way to print! I haven’t seen Prixel before, it looks like Lego!
It's super fun! It feels a lot like lego and has a similar "here are some pieces, what can you do with them?" vibe.
I was actually thinking about making a Figma library for the prixel shapes too! This looks amazing & super helpful, is it publicly available on Figma or? 😀
I actually modified an existing Figma file > https://www.figma.com/community/file/1316133950812236867
I changed all the component colors to black (easier to design IMO), added some of the expansion packs I purchased, and updated the plate to be a literal representation of the physical plate. Here's the link to my file (I feel a little weird about putting a modified version of someone else's work up publicly) > https://www.figma.com/design/FeVmbsdkVo1ZGj2JXzp5mi/PRIXEL?node-id=0-1&t=XcfkhjEvyGYBnc2o-1
Awesome, thank you so much! And fwiw, I'd say go for it. I see and use a lot of remixed Figma files up there that just give attribution to the original file that was edited or updated. Plus, looks like it's been a year since this one was updated. Thanks again!! 🙌
Okay that's good to know. I wasn't sure on the etiquette. Thanks Ryan!